Bruxism (grinding of teeth) is the unconscious pressing and rubbing of the teeth among themselves that occurs in most patients more often at night, but in some patients also during the day. The forces exerted between the jaws during teeth grinding are enormous and over time lead to the smoothing of the masticatory surfaces of the teeth and cracks/fractures in the enamel. Because of bruxism, the perioral muscles are extremely tense. All these changes in the entire chewing apparatus have general unpleasant consequences for the person concerned, namely headache, neck pain, temporomandibular joint pain, sleep disorders, excitement, and nervousness. The most common cause of bruxism is stress. In summary, bruxism is a disorder with complex local and general consequences and requires professional treatment.
In our practice, you will receive a specialized consultation to accurately determine the causes of bruxism and choose the most effective method of treatment.
In essence, the treatment of bruxism is painless and therefore does not require anesthesia.
In our practice, we continue to work for the comfort and well-being of the patient, replacing in most cases the unpleasant classical imprints with the fast digital scan of the dental arches, which is very well accepted by patients. The precision of the digital scan is transmitted through the accuracy of the execution of the bruxism splints, which are perfectly adapted to the teeth, are much easier to wear and are integrated much more naturally by the body.
The biting splints should be worn at night to relax the muscles, protect teeth from abrasion, protect the temporomandibular joint and improve the quality of sleep over time.
The more precisely a biting splint is made from biocompatible materials, the more conscientiously the patient wears it without discomfort, and the positive results can soon be felt.